Meet Spring 2018 visiting student Anders Kofod Schans, a Media Production...
September 21, 2018 by aub_lebanon
Meet Spring 2018 visiting student Anders Kofod Schans, a Media Production and Management major from Denmark. “Number 1 is Empathy: I think the world would be a much better place if we were able to put ourselves in others shoes and help those in need whether it’s a friend or a stranger. Number 2 is Loyalty, which means a great deal to me, especially when it comes to my friends. After all, those are the family members that we choose ourselves. And number 3 is Humor: The world would simply be a very boring place if we weren’t able to see the funny aspects of life. I think we could all be better at laughing at our own shortcomings, instead of overcompensating for it.” #AUB#aubvalues#studyabroad#generationstudyabroad#beirut#lebanon#middleeast#empathy#humor#loyalty#boldlyaub#studentlife
by aub_lebanon / Instagram