Meet YJ, a History major finishing up her senior year at AUB. @whyjayy...
October 28, 2018 by aub_lebanon
Meet YJ, a History major finishing up her senior year at #AUB.
@whyjayy values #effort , #humility , and #trust.On humility: Having lived about 20 years as a Korean in Jordan and Lebanon, I grew up with a unique multicultural background. However, I came to realize that this uniqueness was really a result of circumstances given to me rather than of my own intelligence or achievement. That’s why I find it meaningful to stay humble and appreciate everyone who helped shape my identity along the journey.
And the funny thing is, placing others before myself didn’t hold me back but actually helped me mature; I could see the world in a much wider lens and be more accepting of different people.
#aubvalues#aubinternationals#studyabroad#auboip#oip#identity#beirut#lebanon#middleeast#everydaymiddleeast @oip_aub
by aub_lebanon / Instagram