Ness, Griff & Mini-e (re)visiting the magical rich historical and... (Nahr al-Kalb) April 08, 2017 by mountainsoflebanon Ness, Griff & Mini-e (re)visiting the magical rich historical and archeological valley of Nahr el-kalb. Here standing on the stone bridge dating back to the Mamelook period and in the background the arched aqueduct dating to the roman/byzantine era... #lebanon #archeology #mamlouk #stonearchitecture #stonebridge #stoneaqueduct #aqueduct #nahrelkalb #nessy #minieurope #stuffedanimals #redragon #walesdragon #lochnessmonster #lochnesslebanon #welshdragon #romanarcheology #المماليك #لبنان #آثار #نهر_الكلب by mountainsoflebanon / Instagram