No matter in which season you visit El3ezer forest, this place has a lot... (Fnaïdek, Liban-Nord, Lebanon) November 30, 2018 by tony.toni.tonee No matter in which season you visit El3ezer forest, this place has a lot to offer. You don't have to follow a trail. Once there, pin your starting point and just wonder around between those giant oak trees. It is really impressive. If you are quite enough and lucky, you can see some squirrels jumping around. Believe me, the feeling and satisfaction you get from there is worth the two and a half hours driving from Beirut. Tip: now is the perfect period to see the autumn colors and try to stay till the sunset. At that time, you will get the best out of it ... enjoy !!! . . . #insta_lebanon #ig_lebanon #livelovebeirut #lebanonspotlights #mycountrylebanon #feellebanon #wearelebanon #libanotour #lebanoninapicture #lebaneseallworld #ptk_lebanon #super_lebanon #libano_brasil #lebaneseculture1 #lbcilebanon #instalebanonnature #hd_lebanon #libanidade #lebanontraveler #thebeirutpost #lb_akkar #tourinlebanon #onlyonelebanon #lebanonoutdoors #liveloveakkar #thedronediary #twenty4sevendrones #shotz_from_above #fromwhereidrone #drones_captures by tony.toni.tonee / Instagram