Only memories are left...but the struggle continues...(An Armenian mother...
April 19, 2017 by armandomaalouf
Only memories are left...but the struggle continues...
(An Armenian mother mourning on her dead child's body)
Talaat Pasha (Interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire) In a conversation with Dr. Mordtmann of the German Embassy in June 1915…
"Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate (grundlich aufzaumen) its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention. What on earth do you want? The question is settled. There are no more Armenians." #ArmenianGenocide#againstallGenocides#Genocide#Armenia#Armenians#OttomanEmpire#Ottoman#Greeks#denial#crime#justice#HumanRights
by armandomaalouf / Instagram