Petroleum in both its forms, fanplastic destruction of the Mediterranean...
March 16, 2017 by recyclelebanonPetroleum in both its forms, fanplastic destruction of the Mediterranean Sea! Oil spill reaches the shorelines from Zouk Mosbeh power plant refuelling spill in the sea and drenched next to plastic pollution washed up on the coast from the waste crisis. Location: Kaslik, between Samaya and Solemar. National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) ... tax increases on the Lebanese public? Where's the authority action on those who spill the oil? . . . . . . . #oilspill #cleanseas #oceanrescue #Mediterraneansea #livelovelebanon #lebanon #oil #recyclelebanon #cleanlebanon #savethesea #globalalert
by recyclelebanon / Instagram