Prevention is cure 💉 It's easy & quick ! Are u a male / female between... August 22, 2016 by Prevention is cure 💉 It's easy & quick ! Are u a male / female between the age of 45-55 , you should do this test as a prevention for heart diseases 💛 For children and adolescents, routine lipid testing is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in all children once between the age of 9-11 then 17-21 👦🏽👧🏽 #preventioniscure #cholesteroloverload #triglycerides #hemoglobin #heartdiseases #bloodtest #heathylifestyle #healthyfood #nosaturatedfat #monounsaturatedfat #polyunsaturatedfats #clinicaldietitian #beirut #lebanon by / Instagram