Salade De Fruits🌸Ingredients🌸🔸Fruit Salad2 boxes of strawberries3... (Greater Montreal) February 16, 2018 by thecookette Salade De Fruits🌸 Ingredients🌸 🔸Fruit Salad 2 boxes of strawberries 3 mangos 2 peaches 2 apples 1 pear 1 papaya 1 1/2 cups of black grapes 1L of mango nectar 🔸Avocado Sauce 2 avocadoes 2 bananas 3 cups of milk Honey 🔸For Topping Ricotta cheese or Achta Honey Almonds(optional) Method🌸 -Peel and slice all the fruits and add the juice then refregirate -In a blender, blend the avocados, bananas, milk and honey until they are well combined -Top with ricotta cheese and honey #thecookette #montreal #canada #lebanese #lebanon #foodie #foodblogger #foodphotography #photography #delicious #like #share #follow #foodblogs #foodielife #eat #eats #laval #fruitsalad #saladedefruit #nature #good #dessert #exotic #avocado by thecookette / Instagram