Sneak preview into @kamalmouzawak ‘s latest restaurant/guesthouse; an... (Hamra, Beyrouth, Lebanon) May 08, 2019 by taste.of.beirut Sneak preview into @kamalmouzawak ‘s latest restaurant/guesthouse; an OASIS in the heart of Beirut’s most densely populated area, Beit elHamra . Fifties decor, outdoor lush garden seating, separate entrance for the restaurant open 8AM-10PM serving all day with an in-house bakery for fresh manooshe, mezze, 4 plats-du-jour daily, and bbq on the weekend. #bestplacetovisit #bestfood #freshlybaked #bestspots #visitbeirut #beitelhamra #livelovebeirut #visitlebanon #votedbestrestaurant #tawlet #homestyledecor #handmadefood #bedandbreakfast #lebanesefood @tawlet @soukeltayeb by taste.of.beirut / Instagram