So lately I've been doing a lot of EMOM , I find having a time to stick... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) August 28, 2017 by elianegitani So lately I've been doing a lot of #EMOM , I find having a #time to stick to helps me #concentrate and #push myself, it's usually a 10min with either 10 #squats if the #weight is light or 5 squats if I go a bit heavier. 🍏 10 min EMOM 5 #squat 🍏 5 x 10 weight overhead squats 🍏 5 x 10 as low as possible #pistolsquat on #box or #stepper 🍏 5 x 10 #hipthrust #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitgirl #strong #strongnotskinny #notamodel #bikinibody #shesquats #workoutideas #workoutmotivation #dubai #lebanon #australia #sweat #gymrat by elianegitani / Instagram