The DREAM!!!!!... (Jered Hrar)
October 23, 2017 by jihad.asmar
The DREAM!!!!!
Some people wish to have a villa or a castle, other wish for have a triplex/duplex one... WELL, this photograph is dedicated to those people!!!
I WISH to have this awesome house!
It was an Orionids meteor shower night, where our plan was to capture some meteors, I wasn't lucky enough to have in my frame any of them, BUT of course I was more than satisfied by capturing with my naked eyes one big fireball ball and some small meteorids!
Enjoy the view, the house, the stars, the night, the calm, the RELAX, my dream and have a great Monday!!
@nikonlb @nikonmea @night_shooterz @nightscapades @addicted_to_nights @lebanon @lebanese_nature @lebanon_nature_ @lebanoninapicture @ig_lebanon #ig_lebanon #lebanoninapicture #lebanon_nature #lebanese_nature #lebanon #addicted_to_nights #nightscapades #night_shooters #nikon #nikonlb #nikonmea #thenakedsingularity #lebanesehouses #house #lebanesehouse #globalcapture #nationalart #natgeo #lebanese #landscape #photographer #photooftheday #lebaneseview_ #lebaneseblogger #blogbaladi #livelovenorth #qobayat #justgoshoot #night #nightlife
And as usual, whenever you have time, feel free to check my website for new posts:
by jihad.asmar / Instagram