The law of Karma is also called the Law of Cause and Effect, Action and... (El Laklouk, Mont-Liban, Lebanon) September 17, 2018 by hasnafrangieh The law of Karma is also called the Law of Cause and Effect, Action and Reaction and: as you sow, so shall you reap - Sham Hinduja ________________________________________ #livebeautifully #livelovelaklouk #livelovebeirut #lebanonspotlights #beautifuldestinations #lebaneseview_ #world_great #proudlylebanese #libano #hubs_united #blue #fashion #lebanese #mist_vision #main_vision #instagram #liban #lebaneseimmigrants #mondanite #livelovelebanon #whatsuplebanon #agameoftones #igworldclub #lebanontraveler #lbcilebanon #libanese #visualsoflife #laklouk #lebanon #لبنان by hasnafrangieh / Instagram