The whole family can take part in the green workshops at EUGreenDay ... (Hippodrome Du Parc De Beyrouth) September 26, 2018 by recyclelebanon The whole family can take part in the green workshops at #EUGreenDay Today 26 September with #RecycleLebanon! Join us from 4 to 9 free entrance and participation for all and learn how to compost with @compostbaladi and produce upcycled pin totes from plastic bags with @ecopins_lb. You'll even get to take home clean household and beauty products you can make yourself with @mariemouzaya to say goodbye to toxic packaging and harmful products seeping into our body! We will also pop up with alternatives to toxic products raising awareness against incineration available in the #ecosouk and a game for kids to fish for product redesign and how you can go #BalaPlastic and build up Lebanon's #circulareconomy #EUinLebanon #beatplasticpollution #breakfreefromplastic #zerowaste #lebanon #baladi #baladialternatives #matehro2baladi #antiincineration #rootsacademia #ecoworkshops by recyclelebanon / Instagram