We are going Irish on Saint Patrick's Day at Em's.🍀🍀 Join us on Saturday... (Em's cuisine) March 08, 2018 by emscuisineofficial We are going Irish on Saint Patrick's Day at Em's.🍀🍀 Join us on Saturday March 17th in celebrating the Irish culture where we will be spinning Irish Tunes, 🍀🍀 Em's family will be jamming on musical intruments and anyone is welcome to jam with their instruments. Event starts at 12PM. 🍀🍀 A live performance and workshop with CIRCUS HUB @circus_hub will be held from 6PM - 8PM. Green Beer and a Special Menu will be available. Wear something green and get a free welcome shot. 20$ Minimum Charge.🍀🍀 Reservation is a must ☎ 03 25 13 19#event #entertainment #irish #saintpatricksday#green #aneveningtogether #aneveningtoremember #gathering #feelslikehome #livelovemusic #livelovelaugh #music #musiclovers #lebanonspotlights #lebanoninapicture #yourlebanon #meetlebanon #whatsuplebanon #beirutmycity #livelovelebanon#homestyle #jaleldib #emscuisineofficialw by emscuisineofficial / Instagram