When pathetic and so-called fashion accounts such as @fashionpolice_fp...
June 24, 2019 by specialmadamefigaro
When pathetic and so-called fashion accounts such as @fashionpolice_fp post hurtful captions just to seek attention, showing their total ignorance of fashion. We had to reply out of respect for our covergirl @nesreentafesh and for the creativity and hard work of the dress’s designer @georgeschakraofficial •
عندما تنشر حسابات مثيرة للشفقة تعليقات مؤذية لمجرد جذب الانتباه ، مما يدل على جهلهم التام بالأزياء. كان علينا الرد احتراما لنجمة الغلاف ولمصمم الفستان
by specialmadamefigaro / Instagram