Y O G A ❤️ This discipline changed my life. And yes it is a discipline. A...
September 18, 2017 by sonialynnsbubble
Y O G A ❤️ This discipline changed my life. And yes it is a discipline. A practice.
I mean of course it does wonders to the body and physical wellbeing that I am beyond grateful for... but it is most importantly an internal practice.
One that if I, if we, if all of us humans live by regularly and apply in everyday life would do wonders to the external ✨ To this place we call home and to each other 🌏🙏🏽-
If it is not yet an art of living for you but just a workout or sport, just listen. To your breath, your thoughts, your body. Learn about this art of living and try to add it to your time on and off the mat. Magic will happen!
by sonialynnsbubble / Instagram