أكلة خفيفة و طعمة ظريفة 🤗Chicken BBQ 😍 lebanese breakfast bakery ... (Saïda, Al Janub, Lebanon)
by rashetsomsom
If you’ve never tried our pizza,then you’re truly missing out🍕😋🍕😋🍕😋... (Rashet somsom - رشة سمسم)
by rashetsomsom
The Pizza’s best topping🤔🍕..... pizza pizzahut pizzagate pizza🍕 (PIZZA HOT)
by nico0o0o0o0
@newyorkcitypizzeria - Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!! 🍕🍕🍕🍕🇺🇸🇺🇸 (New York City Pizzeria)
by daleel.lebnen
@newyorkcitypizzeria - Standing high as the Empire State 🇺🇸🏢🏢. Come... (New York City Pizzeria)
by daleel.lebnen
Pizza rolls’ dough:3 cups flour 3 tsp instant yeast1/4 cup olive oil2... (Montreal, Quebec)
by chop.chop.cook