It's either gambling or reading the same daily news..📍Nothing new in the... (Corniche Ain Mreisse)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Don't you ever dare to tell me where I should walk or run or stick my nose... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
I feel pretty much better when I melt with my ground..🍃📍○.......... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Maybe the Chair needs to be empty for my Beirut to be full° 📍 ......... (ساحة النجمة)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
I don't look back..Even though I dream that the past would say hello°..� (Mar-mikhael, Beirut)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
When your heart runsYour eyes followAnd when your eyes beatYour heart... (Hamra, Beyrouth, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Purposely not purply purposed°📍🍇.. beirut................ (Minet el Hosn)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Whichever way you chose ..You stay My dear Friend"°°°📍Earth beirut..... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
You will get There sooner or later 🎄..📍Saifi Village Today ......... (Saifi village)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Natural Phototherapy..Just run and hug the rain and lightning..⚡Natural... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Don't ask me how I captured this,,Ask my best friend..My running shoes°... (Ain El Mreisse, Beyrouth, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
We don't decorate..We Build Hope!🌱📍Beirut Souks.. hopefully beirut... (Beirut Souks)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Never..Just never take anything for granted💧..📍Beirut°Obsessed with... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
No one dares to dictate a color to Mother Nature 🌺📍Downtown Beirut ,,... (Downtown Beirut)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Not pale .. but Gold,,No wrinkles.. but Life pathways..No steady shape,,... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Not All the steps we make are on the right track..Yet,, All forward steps... (Lebanese American University - LAU)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Simplicity"A modest word that has no boundaries for Beauty & complexity..... (Ain El Mreisse, Beyrouth, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
There are no excuses to be fit..To move,,To just listen to your body,,... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Would You Judge Something or Someone by Their Outer Look or Shape,,⚠️Never (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Draw lines.. But not straight lines..We don't like Rules,,..🍃🍃🍃... (Downtown Beirut)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Whom you left your Chair For,,Dear Storyteller....🏃♀️🍃🍃🍃 thechair... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Couldn't ignore the scene..Playing hideandseek with her friends ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
It can be an Obsession,,A Goal..An Opportunity..But it is also an... (Beirut Souks)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
We don't celebrate 4th of July,,We celebrate everyday's achievement..And... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim
Do you know the story of this building??These sidewalks, shops and this... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by truewealth_manal_tamim