Peace in the valley 🍃.. hadsheet hadsheetactivities sacredheart ... (Hadshit)
by eliasksaadeh
No winter lasts forever 💚💛.. hadsheet hadsheetactivities ... (Hadshit)
by eliasksaadeh
Ultimate and unconditional love ❤️........ purelove ... (دير القديسة فيرونيكا جولياني- القصيبة المتن)
by lisa.t.kh
Gentle woman, Quite lightMorning star, So strong and bright!Gentle... (مار شربل - عنايا)
by jocelyne_arzou
If you put all the love of the mothers into one heart it still would... (Harîssa, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
by lisa.t.kh