Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her... (Saydet Maghdouche)
by hasnafrangieh
MagicalChristmas from SaydetMaghdouche 🙏🎄✨... (Basilique Saydet l Mantara Maghdoushe)
by hasnafrangieh
saydetmaghdouche mariam nightview lighttheworld lightshow jesus ... (Maghdoûché, Liban-Sud, Lebanon)
by friendsofnature888
Les anges dans nos campagnesOnt entonné l'Hymne des CieuxEt l'écho de... (Basilique Saydet l Mantara Maghdoushe)
by hasnafrangieh
Hope to start the day with 💙🙏✨______________________________________... (Saydet L Mantara Maghdoushe)
by hasnafrangieh
هون كانت مريم العذراء تنطر يسوع هون للإيمان أجمل ينبوع من سيدة الحصن لسيد (Saydet L Mantara Maghdoushe)
by hasnafrangieh