Natarajasana, a posture that combines so many elements making it one of my...
by mylebanon
Here’s this week’s schedule, join me!⭐️Monday• 7-8am ashtanga vinyasa @s
by mylebanon
Friends, here’s my new schedule for the Summer. Drop by for a sweat and a...
by tracyogini
Friends and yogis, I am shifting my schedule around and canceling some... (Cape Sounion - Temple of Poseidon)
by tracyogini
I love practicing ashtanga once a week. I can’t practice it much more...
by mylebanon
I’ve been receiving non stop comments about losing so much weight lately....
by tracyogini
So happy to be in Sour at the @sarvamyoga retreat. The one and only @yogiin (Dar Camélia)
by tracyogini
I love flowing next to this wonderful yogini @yogiinbeirut. Her strength,...
by tracyogini
Who’s coming to @mandalabeirut tonight 6:15-7:30pm for power hour? Start...
by tracyogini
This handstand to crow transition is starting to feel a lot smoother....
by mylebanon
Come work on your splits this afternoon at @mandalabeirut 6:15-7:30pm✨✨✨✨✨
by mylebanon
Yogis, join my end of week classes:✨Today• 6-7:30pm @sarvamyoga (subbing
by tracyogini
Yogis, catch me at @mandalabeirut this evening for a power vinyasa kick 6:1
by tracyogini
Who has a yoga wheel and loves using it as much as I do? Try this... (Sarvam Yoga)
by mylebanon
I love me a cup of coffee before my yoga practice for some extra energy 💙...
by tracyogini
Yogis! I’m teaching tonight at @mandalabeirut 6:15-7:30pm! Come for a...
by tracyogini
Yogis, as promised, this is the last bit of my practice before cooling...
by tracyogini