كنيسة مار موسى... (Besri, Chouf)
by odetteayoub
From Jieh in the coastal region of Chouf district is this capture of Our... (Jieh الجية)
by hasnafrangieh
Monastery of St. elisée -Mar Elichaa monastery built in 1315 ------------- (Kadisha Valley)
by odetteayoub
Mar antonious kozhaya. Several hermitages are attached to it around the... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by odetteayoub
Let us run to Mary and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her... (The Lady of Maabour - Jezzine)
by hasnafrangieh
أجَل هناك أُمّ أثيرية تسمع لُهاثَنا وتحتَضِنُه ونحن نيام - الأب الدكتور يوس (Our Lady of Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
_________________________________________ libanon church jesuschrist... (Kfarhay)
by fabyo.kay
The Thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings -... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof - Gibran... (Ehden, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
بحبك يا سيدة لبنانلعندك جايي زورحلوة وجمالك فتّانوعطرك البخّورهياني قبا (The Lady of Lebanon - Harissa)
by hasnafrangieh
This is a beautiful image of hope: to have the heart anchored there where... (Convent Saint Veronica Guiliani)
by hasnafrangieh
Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
Love is the measure of Faith - Pope Francis ... (The Lady of Lebanon - Harissa)
by hasnafrangieh
From the most beautiful, authentic & historical monastery in Ehden ,... (Ehden, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
Where hope grows, miracles blossom - Elna Rae ... (Bâne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
L'église MartMoura à Ehden est le seul vestige préservé du premier... (Ehden, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
A prayer, a flower & never ending hope 💚🙏🏻🌺... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
يا غافي وعيونك لعينينا نورزهّرت عجفونك حبّة البخّورقدّاسك الحقلة ومذبحك ا (St Charbel Faraya)
by hasnafrangieh
After a 20 Minutes off-road journey from Saydet el Hosn, you can reach ... (Ehden, Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh
DeirMimas 🌹🏠🙏🏻🌿 named in honor of MarMema 🙏🏻 is a wonderful town... (Deir Mimas)
by hasnafrangieh
A flower, a prayer, For our country, for each & every soldier, A tear... (The Lady of Lebanon - Harissa)
by hasnafrangieh
Let us run to Mary and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her... (Jesuit Convent Deyr Taanayel - دير سيدة التعزية للآباء اليسوعيين)
by hasnafrangieh
Taken up into heaven, Mary shows us the way to God, the way to heaven, the... (Saydet Zgharta)
by hasnafrangieh
Wishing you a blessed & joyful week 💙🙏🏻🌸 This capture is from Saydet... (Horsh Ehden)
by hasnafrangieh
If you put all the love of all the mothers into one heart it would still... (The Lady of Maabour - Jezzine)
by hasnafrangieh
وظهرت غمامة تظلّلهم، وجاء صوت من الغمامة يقول: "هذا هو ابني الحبيب، فله اسم (Sayedet El Talleh)
by hasnafrangieh
🙏💗▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ptk_lebanon super_lebanon loves_lebanon ... (Dhoûr Zahlé)
by odetteayoub
Pray, hope and don't worry - Saint Padre Pio... (Mar Antonios-Kozhaya)
by hasnafrangieh
Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm,... (Zahlé District)
by hasnafrangieh
At the end of the day,All we can do is hope & pray 🙏🏻And "Thanks God"... (Our Lady of Lebanon)
by hasnafrangieh