Lebanon in a Picture


Beirut  1899
Beirut 1899 by lebretro
صورة لمدينة طرابلس سنة 1898
صورة لمدينة طرابلس سنة 1898 by lebretro
Ain El Mreysseh  1898
Ain El Mreysseh 1898 by lebretro
Beirut  1898
Beirut 1898 by lebretro
Martyrs Square  1898
Martyrs Square 1898 by lebretro
Ras Beirut, Cactus Lane  1898
Ras Beirut, Cactus Lane 1898 by lebretro
Clemenceau Street  1898
Clemenceau Street 1898 by lebretro
AUB Assembly Hall  1897
AUB Assembly Hall 1897 by lebretro
بيروت سنة 1896 ، المنارة لاحقاّ
بيروت سنة 1896 ، المنارة لاحقاّ by lebretro
Beirut Train Station, Mar Mkhayel  1896
Beirut Train Station, Mar Mkhayel 1896 by lebretro
Manara  1896
Manara 1896 by lebretro
Ain El Mreysseh  1896
Ain El Mreysseh 1896 by lebretro
بيروت،محطة القطار كورنيش النهر سنة 1895،هذا البناء لا يزال قائماّ حتى يومنا هذا
بيروت،محطة القطار كورنيش النهر سنة 1895،هذا البناء لا يزال قائماّ حتى يومنا هذا by lebretro
Fisherman’s House  1895
Fisherman’s House 1895 by lebretro
Beirut Train Station  1895
Beirut Train Station 1895 by lebretro
Fisherman’s Houses  1895
Fisherman’s Houses 1895 by lebretro
Saint Joseph University  1895
Saint Joseph University 1895 by lebretro
Beirut  1895
Beirut 1895 by lebretro
Beirut Sea Coast  1895
Beirut Sea Coast 1895 by lebretro
Beirut Train Station  1895
Beirut Train Station 1895 by lebretro
AUB Lee Observatory  1894
AUB Lee Observatory 1894 by lebretro
AUB Lee Observatory  1894
AUB Lee Observatory 1894 by lebretro
AUB Assembly Hall and Pharmacy  1894
AUB Assembly Hall and Pharmacy 1894 by lebretro
Ain El Mreysseh  1894
Ain El Mreysseh 1894 by lebretro
AUB Social Sciences Building  1894
AUB Social Sciences Building 1894 by lebretro
AUB Clock Room Observatory  1894
AUB Clock Room Observatory 1894 by lebretro
AUB Zoological Laboratory  1893
AUB Zoological Laboratory 1893 by lebretro
AUB Botany Museum  1893
AUB Botany Museum 1893 by lebretro
AUB Dodge Hall  1893
AUB Dodge Hall 1893 by lebretro
AUB Medical Gate  1893
AUB Medical Gate 1893 by lebretro