Lebanon in a Picture

Nothing beats early mornings before work in Beirut.. Morning run. Nescafe... (Ar Rawshah, Beyrouth, Lebanon)

November 27, 2018 by dr.roula.farah
Nothing beats early mornings before work  in Beirut.. Morning run. Nescafe... (Ar Rawshah, Beyrouth, Lebanon) Nothing beats early mornings before work in Beirut.. Morning run. Nescafe 2 in 1 with dirty water aal rawcheh and Feiruz music in the bakground.... #Beirut#morningsinbeirut#rawche#mediterraneansea#beirutvibes#beirutnoise#beirutsmells#run#running#morningvibes#livelovebeirut#insta_lebanon#feiruzsongs#coffee#coffeeshops
by dr.roula.farah / Instagram