“We’re accompanied for part of the way by Abu Jasseer, a local guide who... (Aïtanît, Béqaa, Lebanon)
March 07, 2019 by wsinghbartlett
“We’re accompanied for part of the way by Abu Jasseer, a local guide who is kitted out from head-to-toe in military gear a bit like a camouflage Christmas tree, his eyes hidden behind a pair of wraparound RayBans, de rigeur facewear for former soldiers (and hitmen) all over the region. Unfairly, I image that he’s what a grunt would look like if it took physical form, the kind of ‘guy’ the Greeks would call pallikaras, one so self-consciously macho, he’s almost a cliche. When he starts regaling us with tales of hunting wild boar - the mountains here are full of them - and whips out a video of one he’s filmed squealing as it lay dying, my initial assessment feels slightly less uncharitable.” Walking Lebanon takes a gentle stroll from Aitanit to Ain Zibde. Link to full story in bio.
by wsinghbartlett / Instagram