evgeniia_personaltrainer✔️3rd Reason to Hire a PERSONAL TRAINER🔛“You're (Antalya, Turkey)
December 20, 2017 by stay_fit_with_evgeniia#evgeniia_personaltrainer
✔️3rd Reason to Hire a PERSONAL TRAINER
🔛“You're Bored with the Same Old Workouts”
If you're an experienced exerciser, maybe you haven't considered working with a personal trainer. However, it can be a great choice if you need some variety in your workouts. It's easy to fall into a workout rut, doing the same workouts over and over.
Not only is this boring, it can lead to weight loss plateaus, overuse injuries, and burnout.
Here's what a trainer can do for you:
• Bring a fresh perspective to your workouts - A trainer is coming at this with an objective eye and may see some things about your program or workouts right away that can make them more interesting and fun.
• Bring new ideas to the table - Trainers are experienced in all kinds of workouts like: * Circuit training * High intensity interval training such as Tabata training. * Using different methods of strength training like supersets, pyramid training and more.
• Help you discover new equipment
• Help you set new and more challenging goals
• Push you harder than you push yourself
A trainer can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to challenge both your body and your mind. Even if you just do a few sessions or meet every few weeks, you'll find it refreshing to have new workouts and new exercise toys to play with.
by stay_fit_with_evgeniia / Instagram