Lebanon in a Picture

How @anais_chvt and I catchup 😘👭3 x 10 stepup into reverse curtsy ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

December 19, 2017 by elianegitani
How @anais_chvt and I  catchup 😘👭3 x 10  stepup into reverse  curtsy ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) How @anais_chvt and I #catchup 😘 👭3 x 10 #stepup into reverse #curtsy #lunges holding #kettlebell 👭 3 x 15 #squats and 15 #deadlifts 👭 3 x 10 curl and press 👭 3 x 15 #kettlebellswings 👭 3 x 10 this that and the other #fit #fitgirl #fitgirls #partnerworkout #workoutoftheday #strong #strongnotskinny #sweat #peach #burn #hiit #hiitworkout #bikinibody #australia #lebanon #dubai #fitness
by elianegitani / Instagram