Been doing a lot more reps w lighter weight lately, and with these 3 ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) February 11, 2018 by elianegitani Been doing a lot more reps w lighter weight lately, and with these 3 #movements slow and #steady made my quads and hamstrings #sore the day after ❤️ 🎈 5 x 15 #single leg #deadlift and row 🎈 5 x 15 reverse #lunges 🎈 5 x 15 I have no idea what to call this one. 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitgirl #strong #strongnotskinny #chubbybubby #sweat #circuittraining #legday #workoutideas #workout #bikinibody #dubai #lebanon #australia #fitlab #hiit #workoutvideos #healthy by elianegitani / Instagram