bosu balance hiit showingoff notreally workout :▪️ 3 x 15 deadlift... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) October 29, 2017 by elianegitani #bosu #balance #hiit #showingoff #notreally #workout : ▪️ 3 x 15 #deadlift into #squat and press ▪️ 3 x 15 #single leg deadlift with #kettlebell ▪️ 3 x 3-5 #pistolsquat ▪️ 3 x 15 front to back #lunge on bosu ▪️ 3 x 10 low to high #jumping #lunges #fit #fitness #fitgirl #strong #strongnotskinny #hiitworkout #sweat #dubai #lebanon #australia by elianegitani / Instagram