Good posture isn’t just about looks.How we sit, stand, and walk affect... (Island Art and Taste) July 17, 2018 by stay_fit_with_evgeniia Good posture isn’t just about looks. How we sit, stand, and walk affect both our health and our moods. Do you have good posture? . #evgeniia_looks 👗 from @cosmo.leb ........................................................... Хорошая осанка - это не просто внешность. Как мы сидим, стоим и ходим, влияет как на наше здоровье, так и на наше настроение. А у вас хорошая осанка? . . . . . #lebanon #lebanonfitness #lebanonfitnesstrainer #lebanonfitt #lebanonpersonaltrainer #personaltrainer #personaltrainings #posture #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessmode #fitnessgirl #fitnessblogger #fitnessbody #girlwithmuscles #lebaneseblogger #lebanesestyle #lebanesefashion by stay_fit_with_evgeniia / Instagram