Lebanon in a Picture

When @mlgray79 comes over for a lunch date partnerworkout :👯 3 x 10 ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

November 21, 2017 by elianegitani
When @mlgray79 comes over for a  lunch  date partnerworkout :👯 3 x 10 ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) When @mlgray79 comes over for a #lunch #date #partnerworkout : 👯 3 x 10 #kettlebell #deadlift into #squat and #press 👯 3 x 10 foot on #stepper side to back #lunges 👯 3 x 20 #boxjumps 👯 3 x 10 #sumosquat and raise elbows 👯 3 x 20 #single arm #kettlebellswings #fit #fitness #fitgirls #fitgirls #strongnotskinny #strong #sweat #hiit #hiitworkout #partnertraining #dubai #fitlab #lebanon #australia
by elianegitani / Instagram