Happy International Woman’s Day!أعايد كل إمرأة بيومها العالمي! interior...
by ak.interior
Every step is essential; for a life worth living ✨كل مرحلة لها أهميتها من...
by ak.interior
Lava stone, not only does it have healing effects when used in small...
by ak.interior
Islamic architecture at its’ best! ✨الهندسة الإسلامية! interior... (Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi Madinah Munawwarah)
by ak.interior
Taken few months back, thought it would be a good comeback! When the... (Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport)
by ak.interior
For the love of big scale! Here, the architecture in general is of a big... (Musee du Lourve Paris)
by ak.interior
When architecture meets nature! ✨ رغمإختلافهما، الهندسة و الطبيعة معاً يؤل (Avenue des Champs-Élysées)
by ak.interior
Yup, it’s all abt that angle! For the love of architectural details ✨رونق... (Arc de Triomphe)
by ak.interior
A different angle of the well known basilica that is almost a century old!... (Montmatre; Sacré-Coeur)
by ak.interior
Point, line and surface! Along with the idea of the lantern, the designer...
by ak.interior
Now a very crowded city, back then, probably more peaceful 😄 for the love... (Ar Rawshah, Beyrouth, Lebanon)
by ak.interior