Spring in Lebanon, what does it look like?Whenever someone asks me when’s (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
For all the women out there, be you, do you, love you⚡️.-If there is one... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
One of my favorite Lebanon views 🇱🇧 , OBVIOUSLY 🙄🤩 Summer has always... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
autumns look a little bit something like this 🍂🍁- been a while since we’ (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
أنا هون كرمال اختي...اختي يلي متل كتير هاجرت تا تعيش حياة احلى،اختي يل (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
This is our home. These are the places where we had our first camps.... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
who said mondays can’t be fun? ☀️-jk, currently at work, behind my desk � (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
This summer’s all about exploring waterfalls and living naturally free;... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
it’s always different seeing the places you go to from above; different... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
wild and free 🍃this summer is all about exploring our own backyard and... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Found my own natural pool at the end of our hiking trail; will be staying... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
The true meaning of summer ☀️secret spots like this, waterfalls &... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Wake up to a view like this next Sunday at @thehighestevent 🏕☀️-i’m not... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Over the years, @highsamachkar and i have been to a lot of places in... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
What comes to mind when you think of Herbal Essences? Girl, waterfall,... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Starting to feel a lot like summer ☀️-no planned trips this summer yet;... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Follow me to a place where we can live natural & free. ☀️-I’ve been... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
No telling how far I’ll go; always the happiest when wild & free. I have... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Dare To Care with the new @palladiumexplore Pampa Hi Organic boots.-I’ve... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
i’ve always been fascinated by history and today i get to travel somewhere... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
Found a little bit of jungle feels in the middle of lebanon for @stronger ‘ (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
lebanon is such a small country, but i still haven’t been to all of its... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
I’ve been wanting to go on this hike since forever and see the waterfall... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
The cedars forest in tannourine is one of my favorite hiking places in ... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
always enjoying the outdoors even in these cold wintery times 🥶that’s... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
fun day out with @thomastico and @michelfakhoury ❄️-went on a road trip ( (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
BTS from last week’s roadtrip with 🚗-It was not my first time... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
this is one of the many times i’ve visited the Cedars of Lebanon: in... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
i will never get over this view 🏔❄️-Usually, i edit my own photos on... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem
My favorite thing about winter: oversized sweaters like this one 🥶-this... (Lebanon)
by melissaelhachem