In loving memory. Rest in the past. Welcoming the BYOB culture with...
by recyclelebanon
Call for volunteers to help assemble the balaplastic signs for each clean...
by mylebanon
Setting the standards. We start by not creating waste to clean up waste,...
by recyclelebanon
Summer medicine, life beneath the waves. Our lungs and survival. ...
by recyclelebanon
Repost from @human2human_br ... Conheça o EcoSouk, o primeiro mercado...
by mylebanon
On arrival, the waste on the rocks seem present but scarce. Who knew we...
by mylebanon
Beach babe fitness ♻️ bootcamp clean ups 😍 BalaPlastic RecycleLebanon ...
by recyclelebanon
3 hours, 70 scouts, 70 bags, and 37 kilos of waste recovered from the...
by recyclelebanon
The cherry on top, @bardobeirut offers paper straws and has set up ...
by recyclelebanon
Mamamia PastaStraws in @jp.recycledesign piece available thru @ecosouk ♻️...
by recyclelebanon
Today's traffic highlighting change 😍A truck of bailed plastic coming...
by recyclelebanon
BalaPlastic,Toxic free, Package free.. Growing clean, together! ...
by recyclelebanon
Conscious consumption 🌱 A balaplastic talk on EcoSouk at University...
by recyclelebanon
Thank you to the Ministry of Environment and operationbigblue for the...
by recyclelebanon
The EcoSouk circularhub featured in @worldeconomicforum Kehdy spoke...
by recyclelebanon
Mindful consumption made accessible and scalable. Wrapped in plastic, we...
by mylebanon
Take a deep breath and join us in celebration. The EcoSouk is just 4...
by recyclelebanon
Stop by the latest Hamra gem, EcoSouk, the Middle East's first zerowaste...
by mylebanon
A carbonexchange with @aubncc @sabounbaladi and @charbelsamuelaoun. ...
by recyclelebanon
A peak into the EcoSouk refill bar gone BalaPlastic with hobeyherbs @sab
by mylebanon
Get ready and diveintoaction! This Sunday we will be cleaning the Jbeil...
by recyclelebanon
A look into dis-ease 🌸 fareztripoli initiative with a morning dose of...
by mylebanon
Sippin' on change! From straws to cigs and the lot in between! ...
by mylebanon
We are getting there! Check out @instafix.co latest development to add...
by mylebanon
Seaside living in the oldest inhabited city in the world.. with plastic on... (Phoenician Wall)
by recyclelebanon
Join us in the EcoSouk to kickstart 2019 balaplastic! Our resolution to...
by recyclelebanon
Peak into the Middle East's first zerowaste, balaplastic circularhub.... (Hamra - حمراء)
by recyclelebanon
Christmas bazaar! Sneak peak of the EcoSouk zerowaste one stop shop at ... (Hamra Fm)
by mylebanon
Christmas Souk aal Souk Farmers' Market this Tuesday, Dec 18, from 10 am...
by recyclelebanon
Barcelona bound to take part in a training to increase the BalaPlastic... (Barcelona, Spain)
by recyclelebanon