Natarajasana, a posture that combines so many elements making it one of my...
by mylebanon
Here’s this week’s schedule, join me!⭐️Monday• 7-8am ashtanga vinyasa @s
by mylebanon
Friends, here’s my new schedule for the Summer. Drop by for a sweat and a...
by tracyogini
Friends and yogis, I am shifting my schedule around and canceling some... (Cape Sounion - Temple of Poseidon)
by tracyogini
I love practicing ashtanga once a week. I can’t practice it much more...
by mylebanon
I’ve been receiving non stop comments about losing so much weight lately....
by tracyogini
So happy to be in Sour at the @sarvamyoga retreat. The one and only @yogiin (Dar Camélia)
by tracyogini
Meet graduate History student Megan Tribble @toesesrroses, hailing from...
by aub_lebanon
I love flowing next to this wonderful yogini @yogiinbeirut. Her strength,...
by tracyogini
Who’s coming to @mandalabeirut tonight 6:15-7:30pm for power hour? Start...
by tracyogini
This handstand to crow transition is starting to feel a lot smoother....
by mylebanon
Come work on your splits this afternoon at @mandalabeirut 6:15-7:30pm✨✨✨✨✨
by mylebanon
Yogis, join my end of week classes:✨Today• 6-7:30pm @sarvamyoga (subbing
by tracyogini
Yogis, catch me at @mandalabeirut this evening for a power vinyasa kick 6:1
by tracyogini
Who has a yoga wheel and loves using it as much as I do? Try this... (Sarvam Yoga)
by mylebanon
I love me a cup of coffee before my yoga practice for some extra energy 💙...
by tracyogini
Yogis! I’m teaching tonight at @mandalabeirut 6:15-7:30pm! Come for a...
by tracyogini
Yogis, as promised, this is the last bit of my practice before cooling...
by tracyogini
Practicing handstands together is always more fun! That’s why we’re giving... (Sarvam Yoga)
by mylebanon
I’m feeling so much freedom in my spine lately and I’ve been able to get...
by tracyogini
Who shares the love of scorpion pose? Join my class at @mandalabeirut...
by mylebanon
Yogis, join me at @mandalabeirut tonight 6:30-8pm and let’s practice some...
by tracyogini
First practice in our new apartment! Puppy press lotus hollow back...
by mylebanon
Wrap up the year strongly and join my last power vinyasa class of 2018...
by tracyogini
Loving this hollow back variation against the wall.Here’s my classes for... (Sarvam Yoga)
by tracyogini
Full wheel pose is getting better. The struggle is to find balance when... (Sarvam Yoga)
by mylebanon
King dancer pose. I don’t go near this posture unless I’m properly warmed... (Sarvam Yoga)
by tracyogini
Power yoga tonight 6:30-8pm at @mandalabeirut. Come cozy up!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
by tracyogini
Sitting in stillness upside down... my kind of meditation 🧘🏽♀️🙃We... (Sarvam Yoga)
by tracyogini
Experience the magic of the Bkassine Forest in the cold season. 🌳🌫...
by lamaisondelaforet